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Country of Origin

2022-09-12 06:41:03

Country of Origin(原产地): Wales.(威尔士)

Size 大小):small(小型) Shoulder height(肩高): 25 - 30.5 cm (厘米)(9.75 - 12 inches).

Weight 体重) 8 - 11 kg(千克) (18 -24 lb)

Life Span(寿命): 14 years(14年)

Grooming 毛发梳理) Medium(中等)

Exercise(运动量): Medium(中等)

Feeding(食量): Medium(中等)

AKC Group(美国犬舍俱乐部小组分类): Herding(放牧)

identifying traits(鉴定特点): smallest dog in herding group (放牧组最小的犬)

ideal for(理想环境): companion(伴侣), farm,(牧场) city or country life (城市或者乡下的生活)


The length of the spine can cause spinal problems(他们过长的脊椎很容易引起脊椎问题) and early arthritis in Corgis.(以及早期关节炎) Corgis usually live about twelve to fourteen years.(他们的通常寿命是年)

Pembroke Corgis, if not kept active and if overfed, can easily become obese(潘度洛克柯基在缺少运动量的情况下,很容易过于肥胖), which is bad for their elongated backs.(那样对他们过长的身躯很有害)

Temperament: (性情)

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is alert(潘布鲁克威尔士柯基是很机警的犬), active(活泼), intelligent (聪明)and outgoing(很容易相处). This breed is easy to train with their high intelligence(他们的聪明以及他们迅速学习的能力使人们的训养更为方便) and quick-learning ability. Pembroke Welsh Corgis can be dominant towards other dogs but will happily accept children(他们有时候在其他犬种面前有些高傲,可是与小孩却很好相处) They are not overly suspicious of strangers, (他们不会过分的排斥外人)but are very alert.(但是却很长机警) Pembroke Corgis bond closely with their handlers and family(他们与家人/抚养者的关系极为密切) and make energetic and very self-assured companions.(他们的自信及活泼好动将使其成为你的好伴侣)

Grooming 毛发梳理)

Pembroke Welsh Corgis are undemanding when it comes to grooming. (在梳理的问题上,潘布鲁克威尔士柯基是不需要很多毛发梳理的)An occasional brush to remove dead hairs is sufficient to keep the coat looking healthy.(偶尔的梳理掉落或者脱落的毛发有助于他们的毛发看起来更为健康)

Exercise 运动量)

The Pembroke Corgis love being outdoors (他们非常的喜欢户外活动)and need an average amount of exercise(需要一定的活动量). They need to be taken for long,(他们需要长时间及固定性的外出散步) regular walks and are suitable dogs for sporting activities,(以及一些犬类可以参与的运动) such as fly-ball and agility trials.(比如说飞球和敏捷度考验游戏)

History: (历史)

Its believed that the Pembroke Welsh Corgii evolved from cross-breedings with the Swedish Vallhund and the tailless Schipperkes. (人们相信潘布鲁克威尔士柯基是瑞士柯基与无尾SCHIPPERKES[附图注解]的杂交品种)The Corgis were highly valued as members of the family, (他们是家庭的一份子)guardians of the children (也是看护孩子的好帮手)and for working with stock in the fields(甚至可以帮助你的农做)

Physical Characteristics 外形特征)

General Appearance 普通外形):short-legged(短腿), strong(强壮) and alert.(机警)

Color 颜色) Red(红色), beige(米黄色), fawn(淡黄褐色) and black(和黑色)/tan(棕褐色). White is permitted on the foreface(白色通常出现在面前部分), neck(脖子), chest(胸膛) and legs.(和腿)

Coat 毛皮) water-resistant (防水),Weather resistant(防天气变化), hard(硬), straight(直) and of medium length(中等长度).

Tail(尾巴): Short(短) and customarily docked.(通常被剪尾)

Ears(耳朵): Pricked(竖起), slightly pointed (略尖)and of medium size.(中等大小)

Body(身体): The body is strong(身体很强壮) and long with a broad(身长偏长), deep chest(有着深的胸膛).

Additional Comments 添加的信息)

The Welsh Corgi comes in two varieties (威尔士柯基分为两种)(1) The Cardigan(卡地干), and (2) The Pembroke(潘布洛克).
